Thursday, December 25, 2008


MC :

你知道吗,我有时开车上班时会想,如果你还在的话,关于广播,你会给我什么建议和鼓励呢?我“垂头丧气”时,你会如何逗我发笑并鼓励我。还记得我说的call马吗?很遗憾的,常听我说在练习call马的你,来不及亲眼、亲耳看到听到,就这样走了。。但我常会想象你若在的话,会对我说话的样子 :)会用潮州话说:“你真厉害哦,嘻嘻嘻”这样的画面,我仍能自我想象,你那嬉皮笑脸、说话的方式,我到现在还是记得很清楚。。。时间过得真快,你走了也快一年了。。还是难过、不舍。。

星期二值完班后,我就开车往万礼路跟大家回合。AUNT呀、AUNT的朋友、你弟、你干弟弟、初明一家人和我,大家带着你爱吃的食物和物品见你。。先在你的“农历”忌日祭拜你,相信在你阳历那天,1月4 号应该会有很多其它的朋友去看你。。。开心吧?哈哈

圣诞节到咯,你们那里有庆祝吗?不会被天使们揪去扮圣诞老人吧 :p 好啦,老友ENJOY呀,别让自己太累哦。。。哈哈哈!MERRY X'MAS :)


Joey said...

Li Mei, I also miss MC King... Same as u...

ren said...

Hi LiMei,heard Wen Hong reading that Tian Cai hope to die in the same way as MC. I also ever think this way but when I think of my parents and family, will feel that is "easy" for me but will be very hard for them to accept. This is also very "suffering".

When reading this, feel very "suan" and sad...will think how's the life for mc now too...

eh said...

Hi Li Mei,

Have been reading your blog regularly but this is first time I am writing. I have lost a good friend last year and constantly still thinking of her. This Christmas, I have called her sister in Penang and their "Penang Hockien" just brough back all the memory about my friend. I tried not to call her husband in HK as many times I broke down just talking to him. I suppose we all need to learn to let go and move on. Anyway, wish you and family a very healthy and happy 2009. You have been doing great and keep it up, I am sure your effort will be recognise soon. Take care.