Ppl who chose to end their life to 'seek' relieve fr their prob will only leave behind more misery n sufferings for those who love them. Suicide is definitely a BAD option. Take time off our busy busy life to show more care n concern to those around us n help prevent such tragedies...
When I had a miscarriage of my 3rd child beginning of this month..I had a hard time..suicide was on my mind.
But I am glad I am able to identify myself going into depression with the helps of my family memebers.
I am still recovering from it, but I've learn to know how fortunate am I to have my hubby, my boys and families around me.
I believe, there's nothing that we can't solved...Be strong, share your problems with good friends and families.
Like what Happy said take time off from our busy life to show more care n concern to those around us to help prevent such tragedies.
Life's goes on !
Dear u.p.s.e.t.b.u.t.n.v.m. Sori about ur loss. I hv been thru it twice..i feel ur pain. Take gd care of urself. Trust me, u will survive n come out a stronger person. Its only normal u feel sad but try to accept the love n concern fr loved ones. I wish u well n may ur pain lessen with time! Heal well =)
Dear Happy
Thank you so much for your encouragement...
I'm still quite upset about it..till now, so like what you said, it takes time but I will get over it.
Thank you once again.
Cheers ! (^_^)
hi limei, hope that you can upload some songs, like the song by a duet that starts with "每个人的日子匆匆忙忙".
hi limei, hope u can upload some songs, like the one sang by a duet that starts with "每个人的日子匆匆忙忙".
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