Saturday, May 17, 2008

EQ = 好脾气=麻木?!








ren said...

EQ=好脾气=麻木? a very thin line of differentiation! I am always asking myself is it I am 死心or 心灰意冷instead of high EQ... sometimes really have the feeling of 心灰意冷 about all these treatment...and yet "refuse" or 不舍得let go or put down...

Maybe because recently of your slimming that you are more "good temper"? anyway is good for you :)

我反而是担心那个家伙“见异思迁”的“新朋友”=> I not only worried or feel sad for that "new friend" but feel pitiful yet angry for that "friend" ... that's why always because feel sad and hurt...

I WANT TO BE HAPPY LIKE LIMEI HAHA :p But to put down or let go is also a very thin line between "冷漠“”漠不關心“?aiyo I very confuse...

Unknown said...

Once a very old man told me this "Those who matters do not mind, those who mind does not matter". When we let go, it is a very light feeling within ourselves. It feels good and there's no mental burden.

Let's all jia you jia you!!!
Cheers from Cheryl

xiao yi said...

i'm also learning to accept/deal with "rude" people...
let's not waste our lives by being hurt by them. = )

ELow said...

Hi Limei,

This morning heard the song "明天會更好" and really brought back fond memories. I think this song was composed and released for charity. Found the original video on youtube and thought I'd share with you:

I feel very touched when I hear and see the video, especially when alot of these artistes are no longer as popular as before and have "disappeared" totally from the music scene.

Hope you'd enjoy it.


ps. I'm also formerly from Crescent Girls' but a few years your senior.

UtahJazz said...

i also enjoy the songs, i feel very touched, thank:)

ahGui said...

Heard that you're sick,
must take care of urself.