发现写部落格是可以让心情转换的,可以让我有一个管道抒发心情。。不过也让大家能洞悉我些许的内心世界,哈哈! 不过, 请不要有太多的联想,因为我是个“性情中人”,所以你可能会常常看到我一时的情绪抒发,不过我也会很快地把它“删除”掉,就如我的心情转变一样..总之,谢谢赏脸登入。。 (本部落格纯属个人,请勿转载或借题发挥,否则必究)
Wow. you are very fast in your updating ya?
welcome back, limei!! bought any nice foodies? (besides the gross spidey?!!)
i bought alots of souvenirs back like chopsticks, key chains, post cards, bangles etc...haha the spider was bought by jianwen from "jin bian", hahaha...
limei, heard about the spider this morning. it's as big as a child hand?. can u take a photo and show us?
the spider too many days liao, so we throw away oredi but it was really huge lah..like wat you said almost our palm size...hehe...go cambodia you may see..or you can go jianwen's blog and see....
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