Monday, February 18, 2008




三。讨厌做作、常ACT CUTE的人





Maxx said...

想起了台湾偶像剧《微笑pasta》里女主角常常讲的一句话“只要笑一笑,没有什么事情过不了”时间宝贵~要嘛~唉声叹气;要嘛~开怀大笑~一切都取决于自己. 做一行, 学一行, 爱一行, 对于那些蓄意挑衅你的人, 让他们去吧.^^

10cationitot03 said...



iN tHe BlOg said...



ren said...

Li Mei, I am exactly the same as you!!

that's what I find you so "real" and why I hope you will always be the same "true"...

you ever say i think too much...but is really because of no.2 and 4 where ppl keep on deceiving me yet they thought i didn't know but I am very hurt just that i don't say (because I don't have the "heart" to reveal to anyone as they are someone i trust and treat them very well and i don't want other ppl to know that they are such a person...maybe will ask me then why they will deceive me, is because i am too "stupid" and is because they don't trust ppl easily due to their past experiences...last time i will keep on explaining if is someone i treasure but will keep quiet if they don't believe me even after many time of explanation (but i will feel very sad and hurt yet will continue to "treat and trust" i say i am "stupid")...and wjust like you, i will keep quiet if is "nobody" to me...

I "think" too much because I keep "worry and try to think for the other party"...and not what you say you think "i think too much"... (actually you are also just like me...just that you don't realise you also "think too much"...:P) but we are really alike (but you are "better" than me because at least you are not as "stupid" as me and not as emotional as me...)

ren said...

Li Mei, I am exactly the same as you!!

that's what I find you so "real" and why I hope you will always be the same "true"...

you ever say i think too much...but is really because of no.2 and 4 where ppl keep on deceiving me yet they thought i didn't know but I am very hurt just that i don't say (because I don't have the "heart" to reveal to anyone as they are someone i trust and treat them very well and i don't want other ppl to know that they are such a person...maybe will ask me then why they will deceive me, is because i am too "stupid" and is because they don't trust ppl easily due to their past experiences...last time i will keep on explaining if is someone i treasure but will keep quiet if they don't believe me even after many time of explanation (but i will feel very sad and hurt yet will continue to "treat and trust" i say i am "stupid")...and wjust like you, i will keep quiet if is "nobody" to me...

I "think" too much because I keep "worry and try to think for the other party"...and not what you say you think "i think too much"... (actually you are also just like me...just that you don't realise you also "think too much"...:P) but we are really alike (but you are "better" than me because at least you are not as "stupid" as me and not as emotional as me...)

myself said...

quote 三。讨厌做作、常ACT CUTE的人

酱你不是很讨厌STEVEN LIM???
还好当时我还没有吃饭,后来也没有吃,第二天跟第三天也没有吃,以为想到他的画面会吐!!!!对了,这么久才上网跟你说这件事,是因为我才刚买了一个新的LCD,旧的那个,我看STEVEN LIM VIDEO的时候被我,我朋友在旁边,看见这么恶心的画面,就控制不了自己的情绪,把我的LCD打爆了!!!!第二天我还陪了他们去庙里收惊。。。哎。。。
