Tuesday, June 17, 2008







其实现阶段的我是不该养狗的,我内心一直为这件事“挣扎”。但知我莫若我爸妈,他们知道我爱狗,狗能帮助我减压、安抚我,所以老爸被迫“爱屋及乌”,帮我带MAX和TOTO。我很矛盾,但养都养了,我唯有一在家里,就会负责带它们大小便,放我爸假。还是那句“老话”:“MAX, TOTO 你们最好健健康康,乖巧听话,我纵然很爱你们,但有朝一日若需要做出“取舍”,我老爸老妈还是最大。。。。。”

其实我的情绪、心情常常要调适得很好。。。因为我的工作需要的是“快乐心情”,这应该也是我的“特点”吧,哈哈。所以纵使我心情极度糟透,但我会尽量在上班前,让自己快乐起来。。这不是“虚假”,而是身为“服务行业”的一种“专业”。所以我喜欢on air时的自己,确实比较可爱,哈哈哈!因为此时的我,是“过滤”了所有不该有的“思绪”,尽量地把快乐带出来。但也只能tahan在空中值班时,下了班,我就会回到这股“思绪”里头去,变得不可爱了,哈!

我是个非常典型的双子,心情起落很快,所以通常心情不好,我会躲起来。若在工作,通常这时候,我会静静地坐在DJ ROOM。不过里头的同事总会察觉到,这是我非常感动的地方,都躲不过同事们的好眼力,尤其是克敏跟坚文。。。



Unknown said...

Limei u onleave have a good rest dont think too much.we love u. miss your voice

seewai03 said...

limei, just b yrself.. i feel tat u think too much, we love u always, pls b happy..when we were at Cambodia i could see that u were a little bit down....we like to read yr blog, very sincere and frank..

minmin said...

Li Mei, I like to read your blog,because you write about your true feeling toward things and you are very sincere. This few days I never hear your voice on air, miss you a lot.

Dont worry too much, be more happy! You have a lot of supporters who like you a lot.
Jia You!

Shi said...

非常高兴看到你的blog,我是你的旧同学,丽萍(在JUNCTION 8 碰到的那个)!很明白你的心情,我也经历过。加油!还有很多关心你的朋友默默的支持你。

Ly said...


我完全能明白你的处境与心情。因为我也和你一样要负起照顾父母的责任。很庆幸的是他们都很健康,能自己照顾自己。但人迟早都会走到那一天.你还有哥嫂替你分担分忧,我可是一个人咯。。能找到另一半分担那会是好的,没有也就罢了, 日子还是要过 :D



ren said...
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ren said...

LiMei, you believe in xing zuo? just to tell you that I am not shuang zi zuo but we are of similar character...so is not xing zuo thing lah haha...

ren said...

Hi seewai03, I think is not she think too much (haha LiMei also ever comment I think too much...but I is not that I want to "thinking too much" but because of what happen to me... )...ao I can understand why she think all these..actually I know you are good intention....

LiMei,I understand how "angry" you are when see the "dirty created by your mother" but "can't" scold or even if do throw a temper , how guilty and sad will feel after that ... because I been through that before...I nearly breakdown at that time!! Those who never in it will NEVER be able to truly understand. is easy to say "they are parents so .....","nevermind...",etc...and if got scolded by those ppl who never bother to try to understand but just keep saying sacrastic remarks or saying about all the "shoulds" (I don't refer to those who really truly concern)...LiMei I know is exactly because we know about the "shoulds" etc that make us feel sad and keep trying to suppress anger,right?不在其中,你是不会理解的。我们不求任何人帮忙,但至少请多体谅。。。。exactly!! but even such a "simple" thing is not easy...will still get ppl making sacrastic and irresponsible remarks...

JIA YOU! (Know you are slimming but still want to jia you in term of mental! ) :)....know is not easy....

runzen.blogspot.com said...

Jia you, we will support you.


Unknown said...

我也是双子... 跟你一样...在朋友或家人面前都会装作很开心的样子...可能不是装,而是本能吧... 什么伤心难过的事,就自己个人承受...不过也容易忘记...

meinu said...



wincentchua said...


karentsw said...

Limei maybe you should considerate just having one dog.I know it sad to say that,but now due to your mum condition ,and your father need to give more attention to her..just give one of your dog to your friend or find them a good owner, to solve your worry and timing.You need to work and spent most of your time outside.Think about it..ok..take care..

superwoman said...

HI Mei Jie, y not u consider hire a maid then can lower down your parents house work & also she (maid) can help you to take care of max & toto of course your mum & dad also la

hobbes_lj said...

li mei..

