Monday, November 5, 2007

天啊! 原来大家发现了我的部落格!!!我还傻愣愣地在想怎么在COMMENT旁会有数字,原来是大家的留言。谢谢你们哟!好开心看到你们的留言,哈哈! 其实我还好啦!只是利用部落格发泄一下罢了,嘻嘻!

这只毛发凌乱的家伙是我之前, 一次“阴差阳错”养的,他叫“muimui"..可爱又搞笑吧!

1 comment:

Nemo said...


Juz realised you have another blog from this morning radio talk.. Anyway, don't bother about those people who give bad comments. I have to learn from you for being strong & have a unique character despite those remarks. U are my idol!