休假三天,辛苦你了,黄先生。。。不过因为这回没出国而是在家休息,所以有点过意不去。。嘻嘻 :P
发现写部落格是可以让心情转换的,可以让我有一个管道抒发心情。。不过也让大家能洞悉我些许的内心世界,哈哈! 不过, 请不要有太多的联想,因为我是个“性情中人”,所以你可能会常常看到我一时的情绪抒发,不过我也会很快地把它“删除”掉,就如我的心情转变一样..总之,谢谢赏脸登入。。 (本部落格纯属个人,请勿转载或借题发挥,否则必究)
Li Mei,
Hao hao xiu xi & hv fun during ur break!
Wen Hong need you for for the Sunny song!! hehehehe
got my yuan wei kopi (2 in 1) nice leh. hehe now drinking it in office. 好好休息。 文鸿没你不行,he dunno how to sing the sunny song. haha!!finally there is something he dunno :)
Li Mei, you can go watch 惡作劇2吻 on you tube. very nice :)
黄先生今天没唱 Sunny , 还有少了爽朗的笑声, 好像少了什么。。。快回来!谁少了谁都不对劲。 加油 !加油!
guys, I recommend a good website for all of u. It is actually a china website. My daddy found it. It got alot of very very update movies and dramas. U can watch whole series there, there only thing is it needs time to load. www.youku.com
I watched this Huan Huan Ai there. :>
xiao ji, can watch all those shows on you tube, no need to download anything to watch, easy.
or can watch all taiwan serials, shows here (but discover the惡作劇2吻 is 1 or 2 days earlier uploaded on you tube than the below link):
happy watching! haha
Li Mei,
Just to share with you on my experience-drinking green tea.
(I used only "OSK" from Japan)
This product can be purchased
any NTUC outlets.
Maybe you can try to drink "Green Tea". I've been drinking for almost 3 years and had reduced my weights from 65kgs to 51kgs. I been drinking the green-tea everyday since morning till evening until I've completed the full cycle of the day-meals.
Initally, when you drink you'll be visiting the restroom very often. Becoz your body hasn't adapted to it and also it need to clear all the fats accumulated in your body.)
There some article did mentioned that drinking green tea can prevent cancer virus attacked.
Maybe you can surf website to search for more information of green tea usage.
Hi Angel, quite interesting leh... but is it to 'cold' for women or not... cos i ever heard green teat is quite 'cold' one leh...
is it after meal (every meal) drink 1 cup of it??
Hi Xiao Ji, ren,
my friend recommend tis one, may be can try also, he said got 2k++ movie to choose... www.ppfilm.cn.com...
To: All Li Mei's bloggers
Here some infos, which like to share
Search over 1.4 million articles by over 600 expertsSearchChinese
The Miracle of Green Tea
"Better to be deprived of food for three days, than tea for one." (Ancient Chinese Proverb)
More of this Feature
• The Health Benefits of Drinking Green Tea
Is any other food or drink reported to have as many health benefits as green tea? The Chinese have known about the medicinal benefits of green tea since ancient times, using it to treat everything from headaches to depression. In her book Green Tea: The Natural Secret for a Healthier Life, Nadine Taylor states that green tea has been used as a medicine in China for at least 4,000 years.
Today, scientific research in both Asia and the west is providing hard evidence for the health benefits long associated with drinking green tea. For example, in 1994 the Journal of the National Cancer Institute published the results of an epidemiological study indicating that drinking green tea reduced the risk of esophageal cancer in Chinese men and women by nearly sixty percent. University of Purdue researchers recently concluded that a compound in green tea inhibits the growth of cancer cells. There is also research indicating that drinking green tea lowers total cholesterol levels, as well as improving the ratio of good (HDL) cholesterol to bad (LDL) cholesterol.
To sum up, here are just a few medical conditions in which drinking green tea is reputed to be helpful:
rheumatoid arthritis
high cholesterol levels
cariovascular disease
impaired immune function
What makes green tea so special?
The secret of green tea lies in the fact it is rich in catechin polyphenols, particularly epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG). EGCG is a powerful anti-oxidant: besides inhibiting the growth of cancer cells, it kills cancer cells without harming healthy tissue. It has also been effective in lowering LDL cholesterol levels, and inhibiting the abnormal formation of blood clots. The latter takes on added importance when you consider that thrombosis (the formation of abnormal blood clots) is the leading cause of heart attacks and stroke.
Links are being made between the effects of drinking green tea and the "French Paradox." For years, researchers were puzzled by the fact that, despite consuming a diet rich in fat, the French have a lower incidence of heart disease than Americans. The answer was found to lie in red wine, which contains resveratrol, a polyphenol that limits the negative effects of smoking and a fatty diet. In a 1997 study, researchers from the University of Kansas determined that EGCG is twice as powerful as resveratrol, which may explain why the rate of heart disease among Japanese men is quite low, even though approximately seventy-five percent are smokers.
Why don't other Chinese teas have similar health-giving properties? Green, oolong, and black teas all come from the leaves of the Camellia sinensis plant. What sets green tea apart is the way it is processed. Green tea leaves are steamed, which prevents the EGCG compound from being oxidized. By contrast, black and oolong tea leaves are made from fermented leaves, which results in the EGCG being converted into other compounds that are not nearly as effective in preventing and fighting various diseases.
Other Benefits
New evidence is emerging that green tea can even help dieters. In November, 1999, the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition published the results of a study at the University of Geneva in Switzerland. Researchers found that men who were given a combination of caffeine and green tea extract burned more calories than those given only caffeine or a placebo.
Green tea can even help prevent tooth decay! Just as its bacteria-destroying abilities can help prevent food poisoning, it can also kill the bacteria that causes dental plaque. Meanwhile, skin preparations containing green tea - from deodorants to creams - are starting to appear on the market.
Harmful Effects?
To date, the only negative side effect reported from drinking green tea is insomnia due to the fact that it contains caffeine. However, green tea contains less caffeine than coffee: there are approximately thirty to sixty mg. of caffeine in six - eight ounces of tea, compared to over one-hundred mg. in eight ounces of coffee.
haha, you guys really cute, thanks for helping me on the "diet"...i bought three organic drinks today,will drink from tmr onwards, let see whether works anot, hehe...
me_ya!,xiaoji , you guys are rite..finall i found my "skill", hehe....sunny song, hahaha
thanks angel too....
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