新的一年,不能再像过去那样!所以我今天把所有我需还的、我已还的、我未收的、全都做了纪录提醒。。所以各位欠我钱的,最好“识趣”点,快点还我,要不别怪我“挂猪头”! ”洒狗血”。。。A。。这个缺乏说服力,因为众所周知,我是爱狗之人,嘻嘻!总之,不要欠过年,我PANG DANG!。。。。最近就有家公司让我“追”到要死,已经不是第一次了!(气)
你呢?有什么想改的?跟我分享吧,一样地让我们一起共勉之,ok :)
same same here。我也是把帐单付款告倒一塌糊涂。但可能我比你更糟吧!
该付的没付,不该付的反而多付了。变成无缘无故欠了这家信用卡公司,把另一家credit account become debit account预先支付还未用到的credit,厉害吧!哈哈!
的确,我也不能再像以前那么懒散了。房间堆积的东西如山,简直是货仓而不是安乐窝了。 需要真正整理一番,把那些“罪魁祸首”的“嫌犯”,全部一一地揪出来。拿去捐献或拍卖, 留下真正自己需要与有用到的东西。
Yeah, the old debts must clear, that's for sure. Not for the reason of superstitious but more for the comfort of seeing others happy upon receiving my $$$. I really admire you people of able to write in Chinese.. I always find chinese character is a difficult task. I guess my New Year resolution is to make this part of it improved.
Li-Mei, I find you are really on the "ball" in going into your Blog. Mind if I ask if you are attached?
You know something.. we met in 2006 on board "Superstar Virgo" organised by NTUC. Though to you nothing special (as you meet a lot of your fans every now and then). But to me, I was not excited either as I do not allow myself to have any idol (heehee). But I observed you guys, and I find you are really good with kids.
Ok, have a Happy Sunday with your family. Cheers !
我每次都太撑不住气了。。尤其是老板顶撞我时,我一定会shoot back 的。真的要跟你学习。。 我一直都觉得你的‘认功’一流。。 一定要把我的牛脾气给改了。 哈哈!! 我的房也是个狗窝咯。什么东西都不舍得丢,有时连自己的东西都找不到,是乱到。。我自己都受不了。可是就是懒惰,一直都没收拾。每年都把该藏的都藏起来就是过年了。别人是去旧迎新,好听一点我是守旧迎新(收旧迎新:P)哈哈!!很浑咯。
哎! 今年告诉自己不可以这样了。一定要改,一定要加油!!我们都一起加油!加油!加油!
hmm, lucky i no debts to clear, car paid finished liao.. ( not new car hor!!!!! )
but this june, i will be going to spain to see my GF ( she work in spain ) so i will be taking a month leave to go n see her, so will be spending alot of money! damn EURO dollars so strong!!!!!!
maybe we shld all plan for a mini kopi gathering.. ( no 1003 related )
For me my New Year resolution is to save more money. Spend lesses...Don't know can do it a not cos since last year until now never do it! hahaa...:p Last year is a bad year for me cos something happen, i somehow been cheat of money... so bad luck... haiz... it's a long story, dun think i want to say anymore. 'Qi'
change, hmmm, don't know what to change also... maybe myself to be a better man haaaa... to be a more careful person.
Hi Li Mei,
I saw u yesterday at pinaccle car carnival but i dare to go n say hello to u. just keep looking at u. finally u saw me n give me a smile so happy...
It's 1st time i see u outside n u look pretty n no v fat like wat wen hong always descripe at radio. my husband say so. hope next time to c u again.
Congrat to U & Wen Hong for(不给一口叮)been selected the best programme (1st). Very glad to hear/see the Radio1003 had won six prizes for this 2008 year.
Proving that Radio 1003 is very special radio channel which all DJ have their team spirits.
Wish all the DJ @ Radio 1003 加油.......加油.....加油
hohoho thx sl tan & angel :)
他就会说:“一定是听1003的啦” 哈哈~
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