尤其最近正在努力地学习赛程评述,是具挑战性的,英文叫“RACE CALLER"。那就是当马儿开跑时,你必须从头到尾地讲述整个过程。要认得骑师的彩衣,不是一个,而是至少七匹,而最多可多达16匹马。不是一场赛事,而是很多场。由于我是兼职,所以无法像全职的同事那样“熟练”,所以考的是我的记忆力和临场功力。很多时候因为我是值早班的,到了傍晚时分,来到马场时我已经是精力耗尽,自然是很考体力和精神。但这始终是一门技术,虽然辛苦,我很乐于尝试、学习。。。也是一种自我挑战。我自认我的天资不高,但就是有一股“傻劲”......就如我的中文一样。如果你觉得我的中文“还可以”的话,老实说我确实是英校生,我的中文是在我进入电视当主持时才“恶补”的。不过我从小到大对中文有一股非常浓厚的兴趣,我妈妈常说她当年做错了,应该把我送入中文源流学校,要不我今天应该会有很好的中文基础,像我哥哥一样。也不会搞到“事事半通,却没一样精通”,哈哈哈!所以我是羡慕黄文鸿和江坚文的。另外,哈哈哈!各位网友们,我的英语“私下”绝对是比on air时好,请相信我,哈哈哈!
话说回来,这也就是为什么我近来一直都没有“梦”。因为每每到家,我已经是体力、脑力耗尽。一上床,倒头就睡,还是“沉睡”的那种,哈哈哈!突然想起N年前,曾有个算命师说我以后会从事“说话”的工作,现在想起来还颇准的。我现在除了希望能做好我DJ的工作外,也希望能成功成为一个称职的“RACE CALLER"..只有努力就是了。。。
我珍惜我现在所拥有的一切,各位,我会加油的 :)因为我的座右铭是“有志者,事竟成”,AZA AZA FIGHTING ...
Hi Li Mei,
2 me u r superwoman! Yeah most impt is u enjoy what u r doing which is gd & able to earn more money :) Do take care of health & dun overwork k. Despite how busy u r make sure u hv plenty of time 4 urself, rest & gathering with friends. Take care & jia you!
ps: my co once had bazzar sales 4 ladies nite in 2005 @ horse race function area...din noe u r there doing part-time if not will really glad 2 say hello 2 u!
听你的述说 horse racer 好像蛮好玩的。哇!!你真的做好多份工作咯。以前,我兼三职,差不多要累毙了结果身体变得很差。现在,我会control了。还是偶尔兼几份工不过到一个时候我就会"have a break, have a kit kat". 嘻嘻。忙一点还是比较好的因为对我自己来说就不会想太多。哈哈哈哈!然后像你说的那样是累到。。。。。看到床就倒直直。
no matter how hard u work,as long as u "enjoy" everything is worth it, am i right 2 said that? so keep it up
Li Mei.
We will always support u....jia yu....
what part time job u do at 马场?
OMG, that "race caller" sounds so challenging and scary! I'm sure it's something most people cannot handle even for a minute. So give yourself a pat on your back!
Limei, Jia You!
你行的!At the same time, do take care. DO not overwork!!
Li Mei Meinu,
I indeed read your blog regularly.
Don't worry, you are doing well and I can see that you have put in effort in learning your race caller role and definitely there is vast improvement made.
However, you have to take care of your health and take a break if necessary.
See you next weekend at the racecourse!
thanks david for your understanding and concern, really appreciate very much...recently tidying my hse besides new year also to have a better "resting" environment, so tat i can have a "clearer" brain to do things...cu next racecourse :)
Li Mei, i saw in paul chan's blog that there is a last video of mc not seen in tv.
wat do you want to noe abt hk..u can just go walk around no wori cos hk transport is easy...if shopping you can go jian sha zui..etc..hard to tell you here leh, hahaha
Li Mei,
很高兴你的回复,没关系啦!我尝试上网收集资料吧,因为我也不知从何问起,哈哈。。。Take Care!
Li Mei, you saw the clip?
you not goin with chu ming liao? can't get leaves?
actually taiwan not as great as you think lar, i been there before (i think is always like that, what we can't "get", we think is always good...i also think like you last time...)
happy to hear dian xiao er voice!
Hi Carmen,
When u reach HK airport, take a copy of their user friendly map which includes places of interest & MTR to reach each destinations. MTR is easy access to every places u want to go even to disneyland! Like Li mei mentioned tsim sha shui is a place full of shops to shop juz like our orchard road... As for eating, not a problem... Hope u hv a grt time there!
Hi Carmen,
U may log on for some informations as follow:
U may go to Hong Kong Tourism Board office to get some informations to plan ur trip:
Hong Kong Tourism Board
Address : Suntec Tower Two (2)
9 Temasek Boulevard #34-03, 038989
Located @ City Hall
Phone : 63365800
Fax : 63365811
Hope these able to help u :)
Hi nemo,
Hi Carmen,
Dun mention small matter :)
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