Monday, January 7, 2008


MC :





CL said...

Dear Li mei,
What you are feeling now is exactly how i felt when my father passed away a year ago. His handphone no. is still save in my handphone list.
Actually the most saddest part is not when we first heard that they'd passed away, or during the funeral..the saddest part is after that..when you suddenly think of him, when you passby some places that you have been to with him, or when suddenly remember those things that you have talked to him..
I believe that they didn't really leave us, they just have gone to another world to live and will still always be 'there' for us when we need a listening ears.
So Li mei, let's put all the sweet memories in our heart and continue to live happily till the day we meet them again.

Supreme said...

we understand u cant be sad in front of the radio... and vant talk abt MC all the time.
but dun worry... we are feeling the same as u..

iN tHe BlOg said...

丽梅,MC还是会听不给以口丁的。He will be there for you always. 今晚,好好睡个觉。心闷时,想他时,丽梅看看天空。他会在那里看着大家的。take care of yourself also.

ren said...

Yes, just like i still will "qi1 dai4" his update in his blog...

ren said...

read before something happen between you and thomas that things can never be the same like before...maybe because of mc's death, both of your friendship will be "amended" totally?

sleep well and meet mc in your dream.:)

chsng said...

Dear Li Mei,
MC is very glad to have a good friend like you and I am sure he misses you too. However how painful it is, you have to pick yourself up and move on from here. 生 離 死 別 is something you cannot alter. Be proud that you have a friend like him and always remember him in prayer.

Fan of you when u are at 1003


Blur Queen said...

Hi Limei,

I am still hoping to see MC update his blog even though knowing that he has gone to a heavenly place. Its a habit that I willd drop by his blog to see what he have posted each time i am online.

Really miss his laughter and jokes.
I do hope you take care and be strong.

Take care

Kit said...

hi limei, i cant believe what has happened too.. its so sudden and took place over in such a short span of time... hope that time will heal your grief, and remember to be strong and pursue what you want in life for your own happiness, as that must be what MC would want his frens to do...

chinarose80 said...

Hi Limei,

I just finished listening to your program and happy to hear that you are back to your normal cheerful self. But I know deep down you are still grieving. It will take time to heal. Please take care.

Eng said...

swastika said...

2 years ago, my late boyfriend left me suddenly. It took me months to heal my heartache so I can understand how you are feeling now.

There are limits to what we can control in life. All the tears in the world aren't going to bring MC back, so he would prefer that people remember the good things about him rather than mourning his loss.

I am sad...for him, his family and friends, for a world that is obviously short one good, filial, jovial person today.


May MC rest in peace

Bingbing said...

昨天早上听了你为Mcking作的告别program。很感动,也有一种很lighthearted 的feeling. 可以感受到他带给身边的朋友们多么多的快乐。他和他在电视一样,是一个开心果。He really inspired me to be a happy person.

Golf69 said...

Hi Li Mei,
Take care and be strong. He will watch over you.
We missed him too....

Unknown said...


Supreme said...

limei, time to laugh

十指琴魔 said...

其实它就住在我对面座。上个星期天,我去买饭时,绕到哪里去。其实是想看看你在不在。想跟你说说话,又怕太突兀。。不过后来也没见到你,因为我是匆匆忙忙地走过, 为什么?因为有很多阿嫂站在那里看。哈哈
, 也不想人家觉得我等看艺人。哈哈。。你不要觉得我厚脸皮哦,因为每天早上都听你们说话所以感觉跟你们很熟。嘻嘻。。我是谁呢?就是那天在迪沙鲁少了几张回程船票的麻辣叮!!好了,夜了。该睡了,明早6.45我们再‘闻’啦,晚安。。

Germaine said...

take care okays (:

py said...









wen0607 said...

Dear Li mei

I do understand when a close one passed away, how our feeling is~
My father passed away 4 years ago
Actually when came to know about MC King's death related to 心臟衰竭﹐ it reminds me of my late father too
Cos he also passed away very suddenly without any words left behind~
I did regret that I didn't spend more times with him when he was alive
I was very upset during that period
Luckily when came to think of my other family members, I told myself to be strong
It took me almost half a year to recover~
Cos my dad was very close to me and he was my best listener when I had encountered some problem or unhappiness
Now he left us but he still live in my heart

Li mei, dun be sad and sleep well~
Take care!

meinu said...

thank you thank you thank you x100000000000...nothing much to say but all is my sincere thanks..great guys nice having you here :)