Wednesday, January 16, 2008



这两天虽然起得早,但我选择不听广播也不看电视,完全“抽离”,一有空只锁定在黄宗泽、胡杏儿、汪明荃的“野蛮奶奶大战戈师奶”DVD,哈哈!感觉还相当不错 :)





Supreme said...

wah steady ley.. STILL go JB ar!!!! power lah!
anyway, yes.. what MC say abt money is correct, money can always earn back.. MONEY IN, must also remember MONEY OUT.. wu lai wu ke maaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!
but dun buy plasma TV lah.. ch 5 n 8 CANOT WATCH 1..phui! cable? worst! always repeat.. watch is because really BO PIAN!
ok.. enjoy JB!

Germaine said...

looking forward to your next entry (:

Jia you !!

and u are very funny in 1003 :DDD

ren said...

Li Mei, maybe certain things like plasma tv, you can see/ask if that's what your parents want/hope to have (though they may keep quiet)...if they always watch tv, then if i were you, i will buy :)

I understand you just want to make your home more comfortable for your parents but i think the main point is whether is that what they want (we are filial but normally we "thought" that is what they want and we subsciously put our "thought and wants" as theirs...)...if those things are what they will use or will make them happy, then go ahead to buy :)

Your parents are lucky :)

ren said...

Haha, most of my furnitures used more than 20 yrs liao...

ren said...

maybe those things got a lot of feelings to your father and he get used to them liao...

i also prefer to use "old" things unless really pai liao...i will feel unhappy if the "old" things are being throw away without my is better to let your father nod nod then throw...haha maybe you can tell him to give it to someone who don't mind using them such as old folks home, those old ppl who live alone,etc...unless those things really old until not appropriate to give away...:)

That's what i meant lor, we are filal but have to be a bit "sensitive" to their feelings and needs haha

ren said...

just to add: what i said about giving away to old folks home is not just "cheating" your father, can really do it.

Another most used method is tell him there is sales, so a lot cheaper (maybe he also don't want you to spend too much ba)

The silent partner said...

Hi Li Mei

You could sent them off to have a short holiday or visit relatives in Malaysia and when they are gone, you could then have a total makeover of your house.

And when they are back.. you could then shout "SURPRISE!!!"

Those things that you have cleared... you could just "hee hee haa haa" and laugh it away.. no worries!

With time.... they will appreciate what you have done for them.

Take care

Happy "Bai Jia Le"!!

iN tHe BlOg said...


你走到你爸前,假假问他:“爸,我们的沙发多久了”。。 看他什么反应。“哇,这么久啦。。你说换新家具好不好。鼠年号到了,换一点东西改运。今年,我们heng heng 一点你说好好。”试试看,should be okay.

我爸突然说要买plasma tv,还是什么32寸的。老人家很好玩的,他一向都很吝啬不过突然要买(因为他在说的时候一直看着我)get the hint liao..我是那种不上电器店的人,现在电器真的很贵咯!可是难得他开心。

跟你想的一样,钱可以再赚的。最重要的是家人开心。对,很同意,投保会比较好。有事的话,最起码可以有后盾。。。I also bought for my parents, just in case..

JB 玩的开心一点,回来了show some photos 给我们看:)

Nemo said...

Usually our parents will feel sayang if things r old but still can use / watch & got to give way for news furnishing. But slowly they will accept the new furnishing, no worries. They will appreciate what their daughter has done for the house in their heart but wun say out.
Recently, my parents shifting to new house due to en-block. Some furnishing they use back but those spoilt items got to get new ones no choice... so maybe u can tell ur parents which r the items r going to give way liao, list them dwn to convience them, hope it works!

You muz be looking forward for delivery of ur new items!

wincentchua said...

i just bought 42'' plasma tv. less than $1800. no choice, old 1 spoilt . so we decide 2 buy.

meinu said...


thanks..the silent partner..hehehe..